
October 2, 2017

39: Setting Boundaries in Your Business

It’s extremely important to set boundaries in your business and create time for what matters to you. So many entrepreneurs are drowning in their endless tasks and to-do lists. Instead of feeling energetic and accomplished, they’re left feeling overwhelmed and obligated to do things that they have no interest in. They’re committing to things that aren’t serving them because they don’t want to miss out on opportunities.

The word “no” needs to be in your vocabulary, and saying it should never leave you feeling guilty. It’s less important to show up everywhere and more important to guard your time wisely. Do you really have the time to keep saying yes to all of these things that are draining you? If it’s draining you and you’re dreading it, set boundaries or don’t do it. Your time and energy are priceless – make room on your plate for the things that matter and clear away the rest.




Setting really clear boundaries and what you have time for is important because you want to have a social life and time for yourself.”


“You need to care about yourself and put yourself first for a change – that’s so important.”


Do you really have the time to keep saying yes to all of these things that are draining you?”


“Why are you not setting boundaries and why do you feel like you can’t let go of things?”


“If it’s draining you and you’re dreading it, set boundaries or don’t do it.”


“Claim your brilliance and the fact that you are worthy of saying no and having time for yourself.”

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